Since 2008, I have been an expert in online business, boasting numerous successful projects in my portfolio, primarily consisting of personal projects.
My main specialization is strategies for increasing traffic from search engines, supported by deep knowledge in advertising and marketing. I am proud to highlight an achievement of over 70,000 unique visits to one of my websites in a single day, which remains my personal record to this day.
Along with my team, I manage several client projects. We have been collaborating with one of the clients since as far back as 2011.
Want the same? Join us.
My services include:
- SEO: Unlocking massive SEO traffic potential with visible results.
- Content Marketing: Creating engaging content that will be shared, get links, and attract traffic.
- Paid Media: Effective paid strategies with clear ROI.
- Email Marketing: Boosting engagement and sales through your mailing list.
- CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization): Maximizing website conversions and ROI.
- Strategy: Developing a marketing plan for impact and growth.
I prefer long-term cooperation (from a year or more) and value quality over quantity, aiming to build productive partnership relationships on mutually beneficial terms.
To get in touch with me, write to [email protected]